Medical Evacuation Insurance
What is medical evacuation?
Medical evacuation is a transportation service from your treating hospital in Mexico to your hospital of choice back home. AirMed is a plan designed for both US and Canada expats. You must be stable enough to fly and in urgent need of further hospitalization.
What is not medical evacuation?
A medical evacuation plan is not a health insurance plan or a travel medical plan. Therefore, this plan does not cover the medical expenses for stabilization while in Mexico, medications or treatments back home. For many though, this is the perfect complement to their Medicare, private or Canadian government health program given Mexican health insurance can be costly to purchase after age 65 and/or their state of health does not allow them to enroll to a new health insurance plan.
What benefits are included?
- No restrictions on preexisting conditions
- No age limit to apply
- No cost increases due to renewals
- Medical Air Ambulance if deemed necessary by physicians, otherwise commercial flight
What do I need to purchase the plan?
- US/CND Billing Address
- Telephone
- Payment Information
- $595 per year per person
- $935 per year per family (2 adults, up to 5 dependants)
US & Canada 1-949-274-4111
Mexico 01 800 627 4637 / (322) 297 6440