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Blog Novamar Insurance

June 2023 blog image 2


We would like to remind you that you are required to have a boating license while you are navigating your boat in Mexican waters. Every boat owner, operator, and captain at the helm of a vessel must have a valid boating license that states you are qualified to operate the vessel.
Written By Craig Chamberlain of Novamar - June 21/2023
June 2023 blog image

Ditch Bag check along with your Boat Insurance

As boatowners, boat/yacht insurance provides piece of mind. We all know Murphy is there waiting to wreak havoc on us boaters. To minimize the chance of a problem aboard your boat, planning and prevention is the key to having a pleasant experience with family and friends. Whether for an afternoon cruise or on a passage at sea for several days.
Written By Alexandre Ros of Novamar - June 22/2023
april 2023 blog image

Hurricane Season 2023

With an enjoyable 2023 boating season already well underway in southern latitudes and now launching into full swing for the rest of us, this means the start of hurricane season for 2023 is also just around the corner beginning on June 1st.
Written By Craig Chamberlain of Novamar - April 30/2023
march 2023 blog post

Yacht Policy Warranties and Why They Matter

Yacht owners generally agree that speaking with knowledgeable, helpful & experienced marine agents benefits their understanding of what is covered and what is not covered in a yacht insurance policy when deciding where to spend their premium dollars. In today’s market, the handful of yacht insurance companies still insuring yachts are focused on profitability more than ever. If these marine insurance programs do not make a profit, they too will close their doors to the marine industry like the 20 plus insurers that have preceded them in the last several years.
Written By Craig Chamberlain of Novamar - February 28/2023
december image blog


Clients often ask our Novamar Insurance staff “why are my premiums increasing? I’ve never filed a yacht insurance claim”. Think of a premium pool as just that, a pool full of money into which all insured boatowners pour premiums to pay claims. When the pool level gets low, premium dollars need to be added or claims don’t get paid, and people’s financial lives can be ruined.
Written By Craig Chamberlain of Novamar - December 03/2022